Page 8 - Taşdemir Global - ATOMATIC THERMOMETER
P. 8
As a company committed to the safety shipping of high -value
products that are se nsitive to te mpe rature change , it is
import ant t o use t he lat e st t e chnology during t he shipme nt .
Re mot ing t e mpe rat ure and t racking locat ion
simult ane uously, is t he not iceable feat ure of GZC24 mode ls.
You will be no longe r worrie d a bout your se nsit ive product s
in shipment ,whet her t hey are kept at t he correct
t e mpe rat ure during shipme nt or not .You will be able t o
e asily follow t he inst ant locat ion of your product s,In a case
t he e quipme nt doe s not work for some hours ,you wil be
warne d by your mail or t e le phone .